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Journal Pages 31-40
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The Military Journal of George Ewing:
A Soldier of Valley Forge -- Pages 31-40

Page Thirty One

27th This day if I mistake

not I went from Roads

town to my Uncle Joshua and

and about 10 Oclock at Night

just as I was going to bed

Mr. Philip Statham came &

Informed us that the

Enemy were in possesion

of his house

in a few minutes

the Melitia were under

arms and March down

but all too late the Enemy

were gone near 150

of the Melitia were raisd

in four Hours


Page Thirty Two

March 10th Nothing Material

hapend between these dates

this day I inlisted John Vail

14th Set out for to join the Rt

15th I inlisted Wm. Bond

17th Haddonfield I inlisted

Elisha Hoobs

20th Arivd at Camp----

21st Lt Catouch out on furloug

and I was left to Command

the Compy

27th The Regt was Musterd

30th Benj Shurmer one of my Recruits Died


Page Thirty Three

April 1 This Night I was taken very


2d wrote to my uncle Joshua and Sister pr

Mr Bowen remain Ill

3d Was orderd on Command but not

able to go by reason of my Illness

this is the first Tour of duty that

I misst since I have been in the Rt

made out my Pay and Muster Rolls

4th The Regt was Musterd pretty well

Recovered of my Illness this evening was

warnd for Guard tomorrow

5th Mounted Guard at the Provost

of which Capt Farwell had the

command a very clever Gent

belonging to the 1st Regt of New

Hampshire there were 30 prisoners

at this time in the Provost

6th Major Genl Lee arivd in Camp

Was Releivd from Guard came home

and had the pleasure to find Lt

Curtis with Compy understood

that my Uncle James Ewing had

been in camp and gone for York Town.


Page Thirty Four

7 This forenoon the Brigade went

thro the Manouvers under the direction

of Baron Stubun the step is about

half way betwixt Slow and Quick

time an easy and natural step

and I think much better than

the former the Manual also is

altered by his direction there are but ten words

of command which are as


1. Poise Firelock

2. Shoulder Firelock

3. Present Arms

4. Fix Bayonet

5. Unfix Bayonet

6. Load Firelock

7. Make Ready

8. Present

9. Fire

10. Order Firelock


Page Thirty Five

Attested to my Muster Rolls and

delivered them to the Muster Master

excercised in the afternoon in the

intervals playd at base this evening

some Rogueish chaps tied a

sheaf of straw to the tail of

Joseph Andersons B Quartermaster

commonly called leg and a piece

or five Pound tens horse tail and

set it on fire and let him run

which very much offended him

and he set out to the Genl to enter

a complaint--

12th Lords day divine Service was

performed by the Revd Mr

Hunter on the parade after

which I went to the Park

to visit Mr. Moore and Elmer

In the Evening I was agreeably

surprisd by the entrance of

My Uncle James and Lt Curtis

and Mr. Bloomfield


Page Thirty Six

13th My Uncle spent this

day with us I was Officer

of the day--

14 This morning Receivd the

following note


To my good friend


Lt Elmers Compliments

to Mr. Ewing desiring him

to procure

send by the Bearer

and come himself if he pleases

George we have broke the

Aty Park this Immediately

morning one

hour before I

intend to get



Page Thirty Seven

It is something wet this

morning about seven my

Uncle set out for the Jersey

in company with several

Gent by him I wrote to

my Uncle Joshua Major

Patterson Mr J Harris

and my Dulcenia after he

set out I went to the Park

and had a great deal of pleasure

in company with Mr. More

and Elmer and several other

Gent about noon it cleard

away this afternoon the

Brigade exercisd and we had

a great deal of diversion in

trying the delinquent Officers

Mr. Rucastle and

were find one Quart of

peach Brandy each

this evening was warnd for

Brigade Court Martial


Page Thirty Eight

15th Raind very fast last

night and this morning

at nine O Clock the Court

met and adjourned till nine

to-morrow morn--

12 O Clock commens to rain

very fast

this afternoon I receivd a ticket

for the Play to be acted this evening

at the Bakehouse in the evening

went down in company with

Major Bloomfield Lieuts Curtis

Wayman & Kersey but the house

was so full that I could not

get in then a number of

Gent went to Major Parkers

hut in the fourth where we

spent the evening very merily


Page Thirty Nine

16 my head achd very badly this

morning occasioned by my last

nights frolic sat on the Court

again at twelve adjournd till

9 O Clock Tomorrow morning

18th The Court sat by adjournments

untill this day when we having

finished our business

adjourned untill Monday next

9 O Clock

20th The Court is disolvd men

of the first got their back

Rations this morning this

evening was warnd for Piquet

Last evening about sunset we

had a most violent Gust of

wind which continued to blow

very hard all night a fire

broke out on the heights just

to the right of the Camp


Page Forty

and burnd the most furious

I ever beheld during the whole

night but Luckely no damage

was done either to the camp or


21st Mounted Guard had the good

fortune to get Mitchells Mills

Piquet altho I was plagued to

find my station for wand

of a guide yet I had a very

pleasant Guard -- in the

evening Major Bloomfield

came to the house and informd

me that Robt Johnston one

of our Company and Thoms

Connolly of this Regt were

taken up near and going in

to Philad by a British Granad

who was deserting to us and

brought to camp


Continue to Page 41 of Military Journal


Copyright � 1998-2006 Marilyn Price-Mitchell.  Permission to copy all or part of this page granted for non-commercial use only.  Send mail to ewingfamily(at)sandcastles.net.  Instead of (at), use the @ symbol normally found in an email address. Last modified: September 16, 2006