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The Military Journal of George Ewing:
A Soldier of Valley Forge -- Pages 1-9

Page One

On the Ilth of Novbr 1775 I inlisted myself

as a Soldier in the Compy of Capt R Howell

Second J Rt for one year--

Decbr 12th we set out from Cohansey for

Burlington where we arivd the 15th and

went into the Barracks where we remaind

until sometime in February 1776 when

we marched to Trenton where we were

furnished with Arms Cloaths &c fitting

for an expedition to Canady for which place

we were orderd to march to reinforce

Genl Arnold then besiegeing Quebec

Febry 28 we marchd from Trenton and arivd

about sunset at Pennytown a small

Village distant from Trenton 10 miles.


Page Two

Nothing worth mentioning happend on

the march on the 11 of March we arivd at

Albany the snow was about a foot deep the

N river froze over so hard that a Regt of

Connetticut troops marchd over it--

here we were Quarterd in houses myself &

four others were Quarterd in the house of

Mr Philip Van Renselaur where I was

on the 20th of March taken sick and confinded

to my bed untill the of

In the mean time the Company Marchd for

Quebec and left me behind in a wreched condition

in a strange place sick & moneyless but Providence

having so orderd it that I was left in a house

where the people were very kind to me and took

as much care of me as if I had been their own

son Provided Phvsitions and every necessity for me


Page Three

The City of Albany is situate on

the Wst side of the North or Hudsons River

190 Miles above N York and is one

of the oldest Towns in the Colony

the inhabitants chiefly Hollanders

the City is between two & three miles

long on the River and half a mile

wide and is built on the low land by

the side of the River and nearly

level with the water with a very

high hill lying back of it on which

is the ruins of an old fort which quite

overlooks the town--

Here I remained untill sometime in

May when the Third Jersey Regt arivd

at this place at which time I was

just recoverd so as to be able to walk

the streets Never was a poor wretch

more Rejoyed than I was when walking

the street to meet some of my old acquantance

I was by them conducted to Capt

Bloomfield of whom I borrowed money

to answer my present necessities

and joind his Company untill an

opportunity should offer to get to

my own again--


Page Four

A few days after this the Regt receivd

orders to march for Johnstown to quell

an insurrection there altho I was very

weak yet I resolved to march with them rather than

tary any longer to be a burthen to

my friend & benefactor the Generous

and Humane Van Rensalaur

the family seemd very sorrowfull

at my departure judging from my

low condition that they should never

see me more we marchd from Albany

in the afternoon and about ten

next day we reachd Scenactady a very

pretty little Town situate on the South

side of the Mohawk River 16 miles above Albany the Inhabitants

likewise Hollanders are very kind and

hospitable here we taried a few hours

and then crossd the River and proceeded

on our march in two days we reachd

Johnstown at our arival Sr John

with his Banditti fled and left us the peacable

possession of the town this is a very

small Town about six miles from

the Mohawk River in a very fertile

spot of land 60 miles from Albany


Page Five

Here we remaind about two weeks and

then marchd to the German flatts

so called because it is a large piece of

intervail land lying on both sides of the

River inhabited by Germans these

flatts are forty miles from Johnstown

Capt Dickersons Company remaind

to guard Johnstown--

Here we pichd our tents first on the

South side of the river and lay for five

or six days and then removd to the other

side where we lay for some time and

then the other six Companys marchd to

Fort Stanwyx leaving Capt Bloomfield

to Garison the flatts shortly after their

departer Major General Schuyler

arivd at the flatts and held a Grand

treaty with the Six Nations of Indians

that lye to the Westward at this place

here we built a fort which we called

fort Dayton in honour of our Collonel


Page Six

This is the most fertile spot of land

that I ever beheld their produce is

chiefly wheat oats & pease with some

Indian corn --

From this in the month of Septb

we marchd to fort Stanwix now fort

Schuylar to reinforce the Garison there

we being releivd by Coll Elmores

Regt fort Schuylar formerly fort

Stanwix is built at the head of the

Mohawk at the great carrying place

where boats going to Oswago or Niagary

are unloded and Carried to wood Creek

from whence they go into Lake

Oneydoe the land hereabouts tho very

high is very wet & swampy the timber

chiefly Cyprus & white pine is very large

and thick I went frequently on command

to the Oneydoe Lake 20 miles from the

fort this Lake is about ten miles wide

and 30 long


Page Seven

it abounds with excellent salmon

and other fish in great plenty on the

South of this Lake lies the Oneydo Castle

on a Creek of the same name which

empties itself into the Lake--

During our stay at fort Schuyler

we had frequent & heavy rains we

had rarely two clear days together

there are few inhabitants about

this fort only three or four famalies

living in the heighbourhood of it

and as many at a small Indian

Town twelve miles down the Mohawk

called Arisco--

We Marchd from here on the 20th of

Octobr 1776 for Schenactady being

releivd by Coll Elmores Regt we

marchd that day to old fort Schuylar

where we built fires and lay on the



Page Eight

21st marchd to fort Hercuman at the flatts

24th arivd at Schenactady

25th Set out on our march for Tieconderoga

we marchd by the way of Fort Ann

and Skeensborough and so went

down the South bay too Tie where we

landed on the first of November

about sunset--


2d spent this day in viewing the

works this place is very strong

being built to defend the only passage

from Candy into N England or

N York it stands at the forks

of Lake Champlain alias Lke

St. Sacrament on the opposite

side of the Lake stands Mount

Independence a very strong fortress

built on a very high point of land


Page Nine

The Lake here is about half a mile

wide and very deep it forks at

this place the branches are called

the South and West bays the former

running South to Skeensborough

receives the water of Wood Creek

the latter West a small distance

and receives the waters of Lake

George we had here a floating

bridge across the lake from Tie to

the Mount and in the Lake five

small vessels of war--

I now joind my own Company in

the Second Regt which I found very

much reducd--

here we remaind and lay in

tents untill the 15th of Novbr

when we marchd for the Jerseys

our time of Service being expired

we marchd to the Landing place

on Lake George.

Continue To Page 10 of Military Journal


Copyright � 1998-2006 Marilyn Price-Mitchell.  Permission to copy all or part of this page granted for non-commercial use only.  Send mail to ewingfamily(at)sandcastles.net.  Instead of (at), use the @ symbol normally found in an email address. Last modified: September 16, 2006